• Also talk to other people about your book. Here is an important writing habit to start: Reserve time on your calendar to write at least five times a week. It can be done if you are committed to setting aside time, putting it on your calendar, and doing it.

    5. At the end of 90 days she has 12 chapters completed. They may give you ideas and they will be your cheerleaders during your writing adventure. Write about personal experiences.

    What is an entrepreneur to do? If you have a book out there you will be recognized as an expert in your field.Do you want to write a book, yet you are not sure how to get started? You may have some concerns that you tried before and after writing a few pages you got stuck and stopped.

    3. Let's get started and create some new good writing habits that will motivate you to write a book and keep on going.

    . Whether you use a computer or 3x5 index cards to organize your chapters is up to you. That is an easy way to measure your writing success and to finish your first draft in 90 days.

    If you follow these good writing habits you will breeze through your first draft and finish it in 90 days!

    Copyright 2008, Joan Clout-Kruse. It could be 30 minutes a day, one hour, or devote a whole day to writing. Come back to it later when you are fresh and ready to go again. Get your recording transcribed and you have the first draft of your chapter ready for your review. Or better yet, ask a friend to talk to you on the phone and record the conversation. For each chapter there is 1) a main topic, 2) sub-points, and 3) a concluding summary paragraph or two. Usually a one-hour phone call equals enough for one chapter. Stop when you run out of ideas. Another devotes one hour per day. Know the purpose/theme of your book.

    You probably know why you are writing your book. Know the purpose of your book. At the end of 90 days she also has 12 chapters finished. Or start a list of stories on your computer.

    Begin a notebook that has your personal stories in it that relate to the book you are writing. This is what every business owner wants.


    What is stopping you from writing a book? For most new writers it is a lack of preparation, organization, good writing habits, and most important very little passion to write. More important, you have a great book idea that will help solve problems for your readers and potential clients and you are the expert. You could also use stories you read in the newspapers and business magazines -just make sure you give credit and get permission to use them. Record and transcribe one chapter at a time.

    5) Record and transcribe one chapter at a time. Or hire a book writing coach who knows all the right questions to ask and keeps you on target. Begin making a list of each chapter and what points you are going to cover in each. Or make it a habit to write one chapter each week.

    Now that you have a winning topic you must outline your book so you know where you are going.


    4) Write one chapter per week.

    Talk into a tape recorder. (Remember to get their written permission if you use their real names in your book.

    You know your topic.

    Now you have five good writing habits to follow:

    1) Know the purpose or theme of your book. What are you going to persuade your readers to do or how can you solve their problems? Most important, you are confident that you can learn and find any information you need to write your book. Discipline yourself to write on a daily schedule and reserve the time in your calendar. One author devotes a whole weekend to writing one chapter.

    1. Isn't that easy? If you talk into a tape recorder by yourself have your outline notes ready on the chapter you want to discuss so you will stay on the chapter you are recording. Write an outline of your book. Your friend can ask you questions like a reader would and make sure you stay focused on the chapter you are recording. copper mylar Also collect success stories on how you solved your customers' problems.) Your book will never be boring if it has lots of personal success stories and experiences in it. You make your money with your products and services that you offer your customers.

    Many new writers feel this way especially when you are an entrepreneur with a busy schedule and writing is not the primary way you make money. You should write your non-fiction how-to book because you have something important to say to your clients and readers. You will attract new clients and build your business. Write one chapter a week. You are passionate about your topic.

    2) Use personal stories to keep interest. Your one-hour phone call is devoted to one topic/chapter of your book. The more detailed your outline the easier it will be to write your book. You have done your research and you have your scribbled notes and ideas in a file or box waiting for you to pull them out and write those first words.


    3) Prepare an outline to make it easy to write

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  • That is, until one day I discovered a secret to success, which I learned from a man named Brian Tracy.

    If you learn well by listening or hearing words in any way shape or form, then audio books are the secret you've been missing to start learning more about business every day. Everyday, their way of thinking and great outlook on life was changing the way I thought.. I heard their voices and ideas so much, it was like they were my personal friends who I couldn't get away from!

    Some people are audio learners, and learn best when hearing someone speak (like me). There was no way that I could forget to drive, or not have enough time to drive. I would even "read" business books while I was at the gym, taking public transit, or flying (so even if you don't drive, there are still opportunities).

    Every single successful person I know focuses on learning daily, and it's no accident.

    A great first one to listen to is Brian Tracy's, The Psychology of Achievement, which you can purchase online. Every day, I was going to drive somewhere no matter what, so it was built in to my life.

    They are often a bit cheaper than the actual book.

    For me, the real beauty of listening to business books on tape is that I get to hear someones voice, and this is how I learn best.

    Did you know that the Metalized film Manufacturers majority of people will never read a book again after high school? Our education system leaves such a bad taste in people's mouths. Pretty soon I was going through a book a week on tape.audible. I realized one day, that learning wasn't just for reading, writing, and arithmetic. That is what great business books teach, and allow you to do.com (the Amazon.

    Whether you wanted to get in shape, become more creative, build wealth, or start a business.com of audio books), which allows you to download MP3's to burn to CD's or to use on your MP3 player.it is a learnable skill. Sure, I could TRY to read a chapter per day, but the time would be filled each day with something urgent, and the reading would never get done. The secret was to start listening to the audio version of business books in my car while I was driving. A small percentage of the population are even touch learners, and learn best when moving their body or using their hands.

    You can get audio books through services such as www. Some people are visual learners, and learn best when they can SEE the words on the page (I have a different secret for you in my online course).

    Start listening to business books today, instead of trying (and failing) to read them, and you will automatically start learning at an incredible pace.

    I don't mean the kind of education you got in school, in those dusty old college business books that were full of numbers and boring graphs.

    I mean a different kind of education that deals more with street smarts, than book smarts. Instead, start getting more reading done then you ever thought possible today by listening to audio business books. When we are forced to learn, we end up dreading the process, instead of embracing it. You could literally learn how to do anything in life.

    I eventually came to hear of more and more successful people, who ALL followed this strategy. It was like I was surrounding myself with these great authors. Mimic the best until you reach a level of mastery where you can innovate on your own. With so many great business books out there, it has hard to not get excited about starting my own company.Today, I'll let you in on a little secret that I use to read at least four business books every month, without taking any additional time out of my day.

    . You can also get audio books for free at your local library, and find some online for free.

    Once I realized the importance of learning I started trying to read more business books.. Then you read, listen, and watch everything that they have to teach you. The problem was that there was never enough time. And it doesn't take any additional time!

    Life is quite simply too short to spend listening to Britney Spears and Snoop Dogg on the radio.

    You see, every day I had to drive somewhere.

    The process to learning is simple: You start by surrounding yourself with people who know more about the subject than you do. Top business owners know that ongoing education is an absolute necessity. Finally, I have a handful of friends who also listen to audio books and we always share.

    I literally had a stack of great business books that I wanted to read, but I wasn't making much progress.


    I know that in my own life, it wasn't until I was out of school that I really started to love learning

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  • Hanging large wall art (more specifically hanging multiple panels of artwork) shouldnt be the cause of your waking nightmares. Refuse to be bound by convention. Having the option of custom layouts and uploads available on the site takes out the need for the middle man and all those pesky designers fees. To us, not much is better than dreaming up an environment for your living space that is fresh and modern. 

    Artists from around the globe contribute to the extensive gallery thus creating a very unique fusion of styles. Both create artwork that embodies Modern Murals philosophy: Art and technology have a symbiotic relationship.

    4. Visit their oversized section for ideas if you have a large space that needs to be filled. Once its removed, you are left with glorious aligned nail holes! Hang up the wall art. (Note that the panels we sell are packaged in order with copper mylar1 on the top and in the same orientation for convenience. Make a pattern/template from a paper painters drop cloth (make sure its paper less than $5) found at Home Depot or other hardware store. Be in charge of your art. We can conquer! And its really easy. With the canvas prints, its better to make small marks around the 90 degree corners of the frame as to not mark the canvas. Create an environment that reflects you. Never has it been this easy to upload your own or change the layout of one of Modern Murals hundreds of hip designs. There are a few basic requirements for image size and quality, a photo from an 8 megapixel camera will work great, and the least amount of alterations to the image, the better.)

    3. Remove the frames from the paper. Use a ruler or tape measure to make certain that they are aligned correctly. For the wall art arrangements we sell, each row will be hung at the same height. See? No sweat. Hammer the nails into the marks for the nail holes directly through the paper. Decorate your space with cool photos. Measure the same height for all panels both horizontally and vertically with the necessary spacing. Michael, from England, creates the boldest brightest # designs that are not for the cautious. We recommend a 2-3 inch space between all panels. We love design and we strive to capture a specific art culture in its advent.

    2. Once you have the wall art laid out and measured, trace the outside of the frame. Spread the paper open on the floor and arrange the panels as youd like them to hang on the wall. If having your own photo or artwork printed intimidates you, theres a gallery of artwork from abstract to macro nature shots that will do nothing less than impress says owner, Juliane Evans. Sometimes its hard to tell which way is up with abstract art. This allows for easy viewing. Pin or tape the paper sheet to the wall, ensuring that both ends of the paper are hung at the same height. Make a mark with your pencil within the tracing where the nail will be placed once the frame is hung. Live to inspire. I, too, have had the disappointing visual of sporadic pencil marks and nail holes peeking from around the artwork I just hung up. Martine, from France, creates artwork thats very Zen, with rocks and botanicals as the subjects.


    Custom large format wall art is becoming increasingly popular for everyone from the art lover to the corporate office. I find it best to first arrange panels on a large table or floor as youd like them to hang on the wall

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  • S-Video In/Out: Needed so you can record input from computer screens. Then visit a store and have a 'hands on' before making your final choice. Size Does Matter: A camcorder that is too small can be difficult to operate, will also have a smaller LCD. It doesn't compensate for bad camerawork, but it can help smooth out a shot when you can't use a tripod. Top or Side Loading Tape: Inconvenient to have a bottom loading tape when using a tripod. The camcorder is the center piece and mainstay of your video production and if the camcorder you choose doesn't have the needed features, it will be difficult or even inpossible, to produce a quality video.

    Can connect to a VCR or 8mm camcorder. 10X Optical Zoom: Do not settle for less and do not be seduced by digital zoom which is pretty worthless for our needs. Manual White Balance: Aluminum mylar Required to balance colors under all lighting conditions. Headphone Terminal: Required so you can use headphones to check the audio being recorded. Avoid the temptation to buy a used camcoder from eBay. Look for a medium sized camcorder. . Think of all the features that your mobile phone has and you never use so don't make the same mistake with your camcorder. Research online and narrow down your list noting the prices.

    MiniDV: The best and most flexible format. Manual Focus And Exposure Controls: Having the ability to turn off automatic control leads to better production as you become more experienced. The larger the CCD the higher the resolution of the video.If you intend to start shooting video to use on your website and for submitting to video sharing sites for more exposure and to drive traffic to your site then make sure to consider the following points and spend your money wisely. It is all too easy to overspend and pay for features that you do not need. Image Stabilization: Steadies the image as you shoot. Check on the stores best price and if they are much more expensive then order online and just be patient until it arrives. Most useful. Tripod Socket: You would be hard put not to find this but worth mentioning. 1/4" or larger CCD: Avoid anything smaller. Remote Control: Needed so you can operate the camera while recording yourself. Check for the external mic terminal first, if it's not there, choose another camcorder. FireWire Terminal. No need to spend more than the minimum if you can buy a major brand with all the above mentioned features, unless you are planning on moving up a level in your production then go for a 'pro' quality camcorder. External Microphone Terminal: Required so you can plug in an external microphone. Analog Video In/Out: Convert and record analog video to miniDV format or miniDV format to analog. Consider HDD but give DVD camcorders a miss, if you do buy one then you will soon realize its limitations. A must have.

    Another must have. When out and about take your digital camera for unexpected shots. Might be listed as a DV terminal or a IEEE-1394 connection. Having a camcorder with the following features can be the difference between a video that will look professionally produced, or one that is obviously home made. My Canon MVX350i has all these features and cost me less than $500.

    Extremely useful. Most useful. Finally: Stick with the major name brands, Canon, Sony etc. A must have so you can send and receive digital video between camcorder and computer. Allows you to start the record, zoom, pause, etc. Here is a list of features to help you select the right camcorder.

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  • Mallets should also have a long lifespan. As the head deteriorates, you may start to see dents or scrapes. If the tips of the bristles become bent or tangled, or if some of them fall out, you need to buy a new pair. If a stick breaks, a sharp sliver of wood could hit you in the face. Most importantly, as you see your sticks deteriorate, throw them out and buy new ones. One way drummers can extend the life of their sticks is to wrap a little black electrical tape around the Areas of the stick that are vulnerable, do not put tape on the tip, though. Drumsticks usually wear in three places.

    If you use wooden-tipped sticks, the tip will eventually start to splinter. When this occurs, you will see the plastic or wooden core poking through. Rock drummers who use wooden tips don't usually have this problem because their sticks get chewed up in other flexible duct tape areas long before the tip begins to splinter. The best way to ensure this is to buy telescoping brushes, since this will protect them during transport. Of course, these are guys who have endorsements and drum techs, so it's no sweat off of their back.

    You will know when the snare drumhead needs changing when the white batter starts to flake off and you see a translucent spot in the middle of the drumhead. Every rock drummer has broken a few snare drumheads, some have even pounded through their bass drumhead cracks, tearing heads on a regular basis should in your playing and setup isn't right. For jazz players, you will know it's time to change your snare head when it starts to blacken or when the coating loses its sandpapery feel, playing with brushes causes this to happen. For rock players and other hard-hitters, the shafts of their sticks begin to peel in the areas where the stick comes into contact with the edges of crash cymbals and where you play rim shot backbeats on the snare drum. You do not need to change your heads this often.

    With double-ply heads, such as the Remo Pinstripe, the tone of the drum will become noticeably affected, too. This happens more with jazz drummers.Heads, sticks, brushes, and mallets are all items that you will need to replace from time to time. This rarely happens, but it's something to be aware of. Brushes usually have a long lifespan. If you are a hard-hitting rock drummer, and you're quite active, you will go through sticks pretty fast. Jazz drummers may even use the same tom-tom heads for years, though this may be more out of laziness. If your once- lovely sounding tom-tom becomes dead or muffled, it may be because the head has suffered one too many fills.

    For this kind of player, top heads on tom-toms will probably need to be changed about every three or four months, snare drumheads may need to be changed even more frequently. Splintered tips don't sound as crisp and articulate on cymbals, and sticks that are severely peeling can actually become dangerous projectiles. No matter what style of music you play, you shouldn't be breaking heads often. Obviously, if you're playing at softer volumes or if you are not very active, your heads will last longer. You will know when tom-tom heads need replacing by the look as well as the sound of the head. Extremely active professionals, such as touring drummers, change their heads as much as two or three times a week. Replace them only when the felt beater starts to deteriorate and fall off. An active rock drummer will also go through heads relatively quickly.

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